Sunday, September 12, 2021

The battle wages on

 Who would think that a person would be fighting the same battle 11 years later?  There has been pills, diets, and a multitude of workout paraphernalia, but in the midst of all that ZERO real results.   I guess the plus can be that I haven't gotten any bigger.  I just recently started intermittent fasting again and I have given up sweets and refined sugars for another reason.  As a sugar addict, that was the hardest thing I have done to date.  The first few days were the roughest, but I'm proud of the headway I've made.  There are times when I want to cave a little, but I've learned that sugar truly is a drug for me.  The amount of sugar that I was consuming some days is alarming.  It's truly by the grace of God that I'm not a diabetic.   I hate that I let myself get so consumed with sugar because it has made me grey prematurely.   Talk about depressing.   That was a bitter pill to swallow but I'm at peace with it now.   I can honestly say that I feel a lot better.  I'm not as tired.  I don't have as much swelling and inflammation.    I have decided that I may have to forgo sugar for the rest of my life because I can't trust myself to not get caught up in it like before.  Better safe than sorry. I'm hoping that I can see some real results from IF.  I want to start using the gym membership  I have been paying for too.  I feel that 20lbs by Christmas is more than doable.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A never ending war

The battle continues on................

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Something I can stick with......hopefully

I joined the 50 million pounds challenge and it seems simple enough. You have access to meal plans and shopping list which are sent to you daily weekly or monthly. There is the option to join a team or form a team which I think is a good idea. There is nothing better than motivation from your friends. I'm able to keep up with what I ate, how much I exercised and I can even journal about how I'm feeling that day, etc. I'm going to give it a real try.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm on it

Well I attempted to run yesterday and did ok. Now I'm a beginner runner so I started slow with a mile. I have every intention of working my way up to MORE miles but you have to crawl before you can walk. I'm eating better and I prayed to God to give me the strength to withstand the food temptations and the junk food gluttony. Now it's not about me being sexy or cut or w/e superficial reasons people decide to lose weight. It's about my taking care of my health and treating my temple with care. You only get one body and one chance to live. I don't want to shorten the duration of either one. So here's to the beginning of a better life style.


Friday, April 17, 2009

No Diet for the Weary

This has been officially put on hiatus for the time being, but I'm now a practicing vegetarian. *sigh* NO good deed goes unpunished.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Drop and gimme 6.......weeks

I've made an executive decision and that decision is that I'm going to do 6week body makeover. Six weeks seems like forever but time really flies so that time will be up in no time. I picked up my Kettlenetics yesterday and plan on starting that along with 6wbmo today. So let's count em up. My short term goal date will be.......May 5 2009. I know that everyday is going to be a battle of wills but I have to make it. I'm not a failure and I refuse to accept failure. I'll update my blog on a weekly basis so you guys can know how much I'm losing by the week.