Monday, March 9, 2009

And so it begins

Ah yes. It's that time of year again where I decide that I want to lose weight. This time I'm seriously trying to do things differently and to see this thing through. I'm tired of being overweight and I know what most people would say, " If you're tired do something about it." Well I have tried and its hard. It takes motivation, dedication and sheer perserverance to stick with a diet/exercise plan especially when there is no one there to kick you in the butt. For my activity level right now, I calculated that I need to eat no more than 1300 cals a day. My work schedule makes it hard to work out AND get enough sleep for work. I know some of you reading this are sayin "oh she's making excuses." That may be so but I really don't think I'm using that as a crutch. Everything I read says I should get at least 8 hrs of sleep but for the past year and a half I've only been clocking between 5-6. The cycle just constantly repeats itself. So first things first, I'm working on getting more sleep. Secondly, I'm trying to adjust my caloric intake to the 1300 and maintain it. I want to lose some weight to see that the diet part is working. Right now my exercise program consist of 30 mins of brisk walking. I'm trying to gradually upgrade to doing this at least 5 days a week. I have more intense workouts that I could do i.e. Turbo Jam etc but I just want to take it slow. I really don't have the energy for anything excessively aerobic right now. I just know that I'm tired of lugging around this excess weight. I'm tired of not finding clothes that are cute AND fit. Most importantly, I'm tired of living unhealthily. There are some things in life you can't change but this isn't one of those things. I've come to the realization that nothing worth having ever comes easy. It's gonna take hardwork and sheer willpower on my part.

Pat Benetar once said LOVE is a battlefield. Well if that is true, getting THIN sure in the hell is.

Goal for this week:
Lose 4lbs
Walk 30mins x 3days
Eliminate high Na+ foods
Hit 1300 cals a day x 6

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